When We Are Closed

Out of hours medical cover is provided by NHS England.

If you need urgent medical assistance between 18.30 and 08.00 Monday to Friday or at weekends and bank holidays, please telephone 111, or 999 if it is an emergency.

Calls to the NHS 111 service are free from both landlines and mobiles.

Please note that conversations with the out of hour’s service may be recorded.


Staff Training – the surgery is closed for staff training every 3rd Tuesday of the month from 12.30pm, our phone lines will open the following day from 8.00am. If you require urgent medical attention during this time, please call Burnham and Berrow Medical Centre on 01278 795445.


When telephoning the surgery 08.00-08.30 Monday to Friday, please note this is for emergencies only. For everything else please call after 8.30am.

 If you need help now, and you’re not sure what to do:

Go to 111.nhs.uk or call 111

If you think it’s an emergency:

Find your nearest A&E

Call 999

Chest pains and/or shortness of breath constitute an emergency.