Patient Registration

Welcome to Highbridge Medical Centre, we are pleased to accept registrations from new patients who are living within the area. The easiest way to register is online via the link below:click here to register onlineYou will be allocated a registered GP, although it is important to note that based on your request this may not be the clinician that you see when attending the surgery. If you have a preference, please inform the team when you contact us.

If you do not wish to register online, copies of our paper forms can be downloaded below. Prior to completing the forms, we recommend that you check that you live within the surgery’s boundary area using this online tool.

New Patient Forms

ADULT New Patient Registration Form

CHILD/YOUNG PERSON New Patient Registration Form



Parental & Guardian Proxy Access for Children Aged 12 -16

Please visit our proxy access page for more information on how to support your children with their healthcare requirements and records.

Temporary Residents

If you need treatment, you will need to register with us as a temporary patient if you plan to live near the surgery for up to 3 months (after 3 months you will need to register as a permanent patient).

You will need to complete a GMS3 Temporary Services Form to register as a temporary patient.

For further advice, please see the NHS website.

Remember, for general medical advice or advice out of surgery hours please contact NHS 111.

You should use the NHS 111 service if you urgently need medical help or advice but it is not a life-threatening situation.

When to call 111:

  • you need medical help fast but it's not a 999 emergency
  • you think you need to go to A&E or need another NHS urgent care service
  • you don't know who to call or you don't have a GP to call
  • you need health information or reassurance about what to do next.
Permanent Registration

    Patient Registration and Medical Questionnaire

    Please help us to trace your previous medical records by providing the following information:

    If you are from abroad

    Were you ever registered with an Armed Forces GP
    Please indicate if you have served in the UK Armed Forces and/or been with a Ministry of Defence GP in the

    Important information about you

    1 unit = 1 small glass of wine, a single measure of spirits or half a pint of beer

    Smoking Status

    If you are a smoker and feel now is the right time for you to kick the habit, the NHS provides a free Stop Smoking Service. You can contact Smokefreelife Somerset on 01823 356222 or for advice, support and to find out what products are available to give you the help you need.

    Summary Care Record

    Do you have regular medication?

    Patient Access
    We now offer patients the use of a secure website to book routine Doctors appointments, request repeat prescriptions, see lists of medications and recorded allergies.

    If you would like to sign please visit the surgery with your Photo ID. Alternatively you can use the NHS App, for more information visit

    Patient Participation Group
    The patient group (PG) comprises of patients of the surgery who wish to work together with the staff and doctors to help them to meet the needs of their patients, improve services and to share an understanding of issues and opportunities.
    Would you like to join the Patient Participation Group?YesNo
    So that your doctor knows that you are a carer when you visit him/her at the surgery, it would be helpful if you could inform a member of staff at reception. The information will then be recorded confidentially on your notes and will not be disclosed to any other person or organisation without your permission. Too often it is not recognised that someone is a carer until they reach crisis point. If you are registered as a carer with the practice then you can be supported throughout. This support can include advice, guidance and signposting, an annual health check and flu jab. If you are supported then you can continue to provide support to the person you care for.

    Would you be happy for us to discuss your medical details with your carer? YesNo

    Next of Kin

    Are you happy for your next of kin to be contacted in case of an emergency? YesNo

    Thank you for completing this form
    For more information about the services we offer, please see our website:

    Please sign below to confirm that you are happy for Highbridge Medical Centre to contact you on the numbers/email address given and that you have read fully and understood the above information you have answered.

    Patient Signature