COVID Information

COVID Vaccinations - Booster information

North Sedgemoor PCN will be starting our Covid Spring Booster vaccinations this week at the surgery.  These will be available for patients aged 75 or over (you need to have turned 75 on or before 30 June 2023), live in a care home for older adults or aged 5 or over and have a weakened immune system.

For more information about how to get a booster please click here.

Somerset Vaccination Programme

For further information including details about the different vaccinations currently being offered in Somerset, please visit here.

NHS Covid Pass information

he NHS COVID Pass shows a patient's COVID-19 vaccination details or test results and is needed for foreign travel or attendance at events in England asking for proof of COVID-19 status.  For information about the NHS COVID Pass, please click 

Alternatively please visit the Somerset CCG's website here.

Long Covid

Many people with COVID will recover within a few days or weeks, but for some the effects of COVID unfortunately last longer.  Long COVID is now recognised and defined as:

  • ongoing symptomatic COVID-19: having signs and symptoms of COVID-19 for 4-12 weeks
  • Post COVID-19 Syndrome: signs and symptoms that develop during or after Covid-19 and continue for more than 12 weeks and are not explained by an alternative diagnosis

For further information and support to self-manage Long COVID, please visit Your Covid Recovery.

COVID-19 Precautions

The practice operates from a small building where social distancing is very difficult to maintain.  Vulnerable patients are continuing to attend the practice for face to face care, and it is therefore important that we minimise the risk to patients and staff to ensure the practice continues to operate safely.

Initial consultations with our Clinical Team will be conducted by telephone or video.  When making a request, it can be helpful to provide a photograph to help the clinician.  In discussing your care, if the clinician feels it is necessary and appropriate to see you in person, they will arrange this with you.  Face to face (or in person) appointments with a GP or ANP are not booked directly by our Reception Team at present.

When attending the practice we ask you to co-operate with us to keep everyone safe:

  • wear a mask when in the building.  A surgical mask will be provided on entry if you do not have one.
  • arrive on time for your appointment to keep waiting to a minimum


COVID Updates